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Let’s Work Together

Coaching bridges the gap between what you want to be doing and what you’re actually doing, helping you navigate what works and what doesn’t.

Are you here?
  • Newly diagnosed or awaiting a fibromyalgia diagnosis and feeling overwhelmed

  • Feeling drained by persistent symptoms and uncertain where to focus your energy

  • Struggling with a lack of support and validation, making it challenging to advocate for yourself and manage social interactions

  • Feeling stuck with identity loss and overwhelm, making it hard to reach your personal goals

In 1:1 coaching sessions, we work together to tackle the challenges of managing chronic illness in your daily life. Including:

  • Understanding the condition and accessing reliable resources 

  • Self-advocacy for your needs in medical and personal contexts

  • Support with implementing self-care strategies and energy pacing 

  • Accountability as you work towards implementing self-management strategies

  • Empowered goal-setting and a safe space to dream


I believe in a diverse, flexible, and holistic approach to managing chronic illness and fibromyalgia, with nervous system support being foundational for achieving lasting change.

I incorporate tools and techniques for nervous system regulation and stress reduction in coaching sessions, including EFT (tapping).


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping: EFT is a complementary therapy based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves tapping on key acupressure points while focusing on discomfort or concerns, with affirmations to shift energy and neutralize those feelings. You can read more about EFT in this blog post. I completed EFT/TFT training through The Priority Academy and now offer 1:1 EFT sessions, currently at a discounted rate. You can book directly here.

Living with chronic illness can be a powerful teacher, revealing our true selves and helping us develop valuable skills for the next phase of our lives.

I offer the following coaching services:


Fibro Focus & Flourish

This is a 5-session coaching package that is tailored for individuals with chronic illness looking to address a specific goal and/or challenge. 


In personalized coaching sessions, you'll gain practical tools and insights to navigate challenges and start your journey toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. 


The program includes:

  • 5 coaching sessions (50 min each)

  • Weekly or biweekly sessions

  • Email support and accountability between sessions

  • Resources and tactical support as applicable

  • Optional: Somatic exercises and EFT (tapping)


Program cost: $650 CAD


Living Fully with Chronic Illness

This is a 10-session coaching package to empower individuals with chronic illness to find their joy and purpose outside of their conditions.


Through personalized sessions and a holistic approach, this program helps you navigate the challenges and excitement of pursuing your passions and achieving your goals.

The program includes:

  • 10 coaching sessions (50 min each)

  • Weekly or biweekly sessions

  • Email support and accountability between sessions

  • Resources and tactical support as applicable

  • Optional: Somatic exercises and EFT (tapping)


Program cost: $1,150 CAD

Curious about coaching? During a complimentary call we can discuss your current challenges and goals to determine if we're a good fit. There’s no obligation on your part; if it feels right, I can then provide more details about my services and approach.

Gentle-Goal Setting

My coaching emphasizes a gentle goal-setting approach, focusing on progress rather than perfection. This includes:
Realistic Expectations: Setting goals based on your current capabilities and priorities. 
Flexibility: Adapting goals to accommodate health changes or setbacks.

Small Steps: Breaking down larger goals into manageable steps, and celebrating each accomplishment.
Self-Compassion: Practicing kindness and understanding when goals need to be adjusted. 
Holistic Well-Being: Using mindfulness techniques to stay aligned with your physical and emotional needs.

Program Structure

Programs are customized to address each client's specific goals, and considering their current stage in their chronic illness journey. We'll set gentle, achievable goals that honour your pace and well-being, while remaining flexible to adapt as needed.

After you've selected a coaching package, I'll provide you with a coaching agreement and onboarding questionnaire. The questionnaire helps us establish the foundation for our work together. If needed, additional coaching sessions can be added to the program.


I recommend weekly or bi-weekly meetings for accountability and support, as consistency is crucial for progress toward your goals. Typically, single (one-off) sessions are not offered for this reason.


After completing either package, clients can choose to continue sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis or take a break and return to coaching as needed.


Full payment is required before the first coaching session. A payment plan is available for a small administrative fee.


If you think coaching could benefit you, but are concerned about the cost, please book an initial call anyway. I offer a limited number of reduced-price coaching spots and may also have some resources I can share with you. 

Have questions? Check out some common ones here. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions via message or on an initial call. 
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