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Welcome to Chronically Thriving!

Updated: Sep 15

Hello, and thank you for checking out my blog. 

Illustration of hands and forearms reaching upward to catch four butterflies, with green and pink watercolor accents throughout.

If you’ve been researching fibromyalgia (FM) or struggling to regain your life after an FM diagnosis, you may feel overwhelmed. There’s a lot of information on the web, and much well-meaning but unhelpful advice. Sorting through it all to identify the most promising research or most effective complementary approaches can seem like an impossible task. This is especially true if you're experiencing fibro fog or you’re in a full-blown flare that makes even sitting at your computer an excruciating task! 

It was with that basic premise I started this blog. In my weekly musings, I will be exploring all things related to fibromyalgia and chronic illness. I want to provide you with knowledge, support, and ultimately agency, over your chronic illness journey. If we can have more “good days” and fewer “bad days”, that’s progress, and worth celebrating.

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing are broad and have been covered by other sources. I’ll distill it all down into simple and most importantly, actionable information. When there’s underlying research or science, I’ll include the citations so that you can assess it for yourself.  

We’ll also be discussing newly emerging therapies and complementary/holistic approaches, including some that currently lie outside of the mainstream. Western medicine is conservative by design, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. However, it can take several decades for new research and therapies to reach the medical mainstream.  It is also disproportionately influenced by the pharmaceutical industry because that’s where most medical R&D funding is directed. Conventional medicine goes where the money flows.

Nonetheless, I believe there are numerous approaches worth exploring. If there’s an “unconventional” or non-pharmaceutical option that may be helpful, I’m curious to learn more. And if it looks promising I’m probably going to give it a try. 

Some of these blog topics will seem a little unorthodox but I encourage you to keep an open mind. Remember, there was a time when germ theory was considered quackery.  If you are willing to question conventional thinking and see merit in a whole-body/holistic approach, you’re going to love these posts.

Finally, I’ll be sharing helpful tips, insights and strategies to: 
  • continue engaging with the activities you love

  • set and achieve new goals for your health, relationships, and career

  • manage your symptoms and energy to avoid setbacks

  • partner with your nervous system and improve vagal tone

  • learn how to navigate the medical system and advocate for your health with your healthcare providers

  • express your needs, establish boundaries in both your personal and professional life, and cultivate a strong support network

As a Chronic Illness Empowerment Coach and someone who has lived with fibromyalgia for the past seven years, I’ve developed a variety of strategies that help me navigate my goals and life events while managing my conditions effectively. I support clients in discovering what approaches work best for them.

I hope you’ll find the information and experiences I’ll be sharing in this blog helpful in your own journey. If there are any topics you want to be covered, contact me and I’ll add them to my list. 

If you're interested, I'm sharing more personal reflections on my journey with fibromyalgia and chronic illness on my Medium account.

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Looking forward to following your blog.

Mi piace
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