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Supporting You on Your Journey with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Illness 

1:1 Coaching to support you in navigating life with fibromyalgia and chronic illness

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for managing chronic illness and life’s complexities. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to navigate this journey alone. That’s why having someone who understands your experience can be so affirming.


The purpose of coaching is to help you discover strategies and build resilience so that you can thrive in every aspect of your life.​​ In sessions, you’ll identify and pursue your personal, professional, or wellness goals with gentle and supportive guidance.

I truly believe that living with chronic illness should not mean abandoning the things you love; rather, it's about adapting how you engage with them.


Hello! I'm Caitlin (she/they). I've lived with fibromyalgia for over 7 years, and other chronic conditions for over 15 years.


I remember all too well the challenges of managing my health while also trying to pursue my professional and life goals. There were long periods when debilitating symptoms often confined me to working from bed.


Although I still live with chronic pain and other symptoms, I now have the education, strategies, and tools to manage them, allowing me to look forward to the future.


These days, I’m a slow-travel nomad and a values-driven entrepreneur, doing everything I’ve always wanted to—just with some modifications. 


My coaching combines lived experience, practical application from my own journey, and formal training. Focusing on the mind-body connection and nervous system regulation has been essential for my self-management, and it’s an area I intend to continue my training.  â€‹


How You're Supported

Self-care and stress reduction techniques (i.e. EFT 'tapping')

Support with troubleshooting symptom management 

Effective communication strategies with friends, family and health providers 

Accountability to keep you motivated on your journey 

Empowered goal-setting and energy management

Thank you so much Caitlin for the insightful session and for sharing the steps for EFT process. I truly felt supported and heard. I was amazed how quickly we got to the root belief, it made me feel unlocked once I understood what the real block was. I liked the positive statements at the end as well. Thank you so much for the session! This was first time I experienced EFT coaching and it is so powerful. 

~ Kasia, England (EFT session)

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